Long Island Field Target
Well we started at the at the store
and we picked out some nice rifles for the club members to try Like the Beeman HW100s, FX Cyclone, BSA Super 10, Glad8tor, BSA Lone Star, Air Arms TX200, Air Force Condor-Tallon SS, Webley Spectre Mark 2 and many more; the candy store was open!!!

We filled two scuba tanks! Two things we did not want to happen is to run out of air or pellets
We had plenty of Air guns!!!!
One of the main reasons Cobra Air Guns Started L.I.F.T is so air gun lovers could try some of the high end rifles that may not be in their Air gun budget. Along with the main reason to shoot, talk and meet new people in the
For one reason or another a lot of people could not make it. Knowing our regulars If it pulled them away from a day of shooting it must of been important. In away it was a good thing because the range was full and to loud for good Air gun conversation.

We were at the range by 9:30 and started at the 25 yard pistol side
After about half an hour of sighting in scopes we moved to the 50 yard to test our skills it was a little windy and hitting the mark was hard
but not for Jim and Ralph they brought along their firearms an AR15, 22, shot gun with slugs and some pistols. Jim has a Beeman Gold finger but sent it back to Beeman or some work. He is in the market for a Theoben Crusader since Joe brought his stable along Theobens were
not hard to find.

Well after about four ours at the range Jim and Ralph had to leave we said our good bys but the rest of us were far from done shooting.

But the range was to loud for good conversation Joe wanted to show us a spot that Jeff the
Long Island hunter brought him to on the way home. It sounded like a great idea anything to get away from the noise of the powder burners. So we packed it up and off to the woods we went!!
The drive was only about 15 minutes to reach this dirt road on the side of the highway with a little opening like the Bat Cave. A little ways in their is some junk on each side of the dirt road like a couple of abandon boats some piles of Vinyl Siding but it was quite!!!

We took and old boat cushion and nails that were lying around from the siding and instant target
range. We also added some shotgun shells in the trees and Rod brought a 1 gallon steel oil can that made a nice ding sound at 50-70 yards!!!

Long Island hunter brought him to on the way home. It sounded like a great idea anything to get away from the noise of the powder burners. So we packed it up and off to the woods we went!!
The drive was only about 15 minutes to reach this dirt road on the side of the highway with a little opening like the Bat Cave. A little ways in their is some junk on each side of the dirt road like a couple of abandon boats some piles of Vinyl Siding but it was quite!!!

We took and old boat cushion and nails that were lying around from the siding and instant target
range. We also added some shotgun shells in the trees and Rod brought a 1 gallon steel oil can that made a nice ding sound at 50-70 yards!!!

Some well placed chairs a few tables and woods made rifle rest Shane settled down with
his FX Cyclone for bulls eye removal.
Back at the 50 yard range Shane was the one to beat with the AirForce Condor popping shotgun shells off the target stands. Shane is one of L.I.F.T.'s top shooters.
Tonya by far was L.I.F.T.'s sleeping giant!!!

Back at the range Tonya sat in the background and watched because of her injured forearm it was to hard to cock her brake barrel.
But in the woods Rod brought his custom Crosman 250 and it was all Tonya needed
to show us all up she was not only hitting everything at 30 yards but was banging
that oil can at 60 yards!!
Not only did we have nice woods made target range but plenty of wild life Joe & Rod spot a small flock of birds flying right into our target
range. Joe and Shane went out for a walk about hunting for some small game but since we thought we were going to be at the range
all day we did not bring any tic & mosquito repellent so needless to say it was cut short buy a tic attack they were every where.

All in all it was a great day of shooting for the lift members that were able to make it out Sunday Shane and I left our little air rifle range in the woods at around 5:00 but Joe, Rod and Tonya were far from done!! They stayed for another 3 hours shooting into the sunset.

his FX Cyclone for bulls eye removal.
Back at the 50 yard range Shane was the one to beat with the AirForce Condor popping shotgun shells off the target stands. Shane is one of L.I.F.T.'s top shooters.
Tonya by far was L.I.F.T.'s sleeping giant!!!

Back at the range Tonya sat in the background and watched because of her injured forearm it was to hard to cock her brake barrel.
But in the woods Rod brought his custom Crosman 250 and it was all Tonya needed
to show us all up she was not only hitting everything at 30 yards but was banging
that oil can at 60 yards!!
Not only did we have nice woods made target range but plenty of wild life Joe & Rod spot a small flock of birds flying right into our target
range. Joe and Shane went out for a walk about hunting for some small game but since we thought we were going to be at the range
all day we did not bring any tic & mosquito repellent so needless to say it was cut short buy a tic attack they were every where.

All in all it was a great day of shooting for the lift members that were able to make it out Sunday Shane and I left our little air rifle range in the woods at around 5:00 but Joe, Rod and Tonya were far from done!! They stayed for another 3 hours shooting into the sunset.